Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Sci228 Ilab

Carmen Coronado iLab SCI 228 June 12, 2011 BMI Part 1 Define BMI-You must define BMI and not just as a general definition indicating its relationship to height and weight. Please also do not forget to define the actual term BMI! The body mass index (BMI) is of a measurement that was introduced in the early 19th century in order to categorize the entire population’s weight problems. The BMI is a statistic that is used to classify people's weight as underweight, normal weight, overweight or obese. The formula that is used to calculate ones BMI is that the metric system will divide ones weight in kilograms by ones height in squared meters. Then the units call for the physicians to multiply ones weight in pounds by 703 and will then divide the number that was gotten by ones height in inches squared. The body mass index will indicate if one is underweight, normal, overweight, and or obese categories. Part 2 Calculate BMI-Many students use an automated calculator to complete this part of the assignment. I will deduct points if I do not see the actual math calculations. Please include all stages of the math calculations associated with determining your BMI. There is an approximately 1800 calories that should be ingested. As to my BMR (basal metabolic rate) is about 1300 calories, which I should be eating around 700 more calories in order for it to account for the amount of energy I will be expending during the day in both my daily activities. With regards to food, this entails eating adequate portions of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. A bowl of steel-cut oats with added whole milk, with a handful of almonds, topped with a tablespoon of ground flaxseed and mixed berries equates to around 600 calories. In the mid-morning I would have a snack of a protein shake and an apple that will work out to be about 100 calories. For lunch a tossed salad containing grilled chicken pieces, romaine lettuce, corn, shoestring beets, carrots, soybeans that will work out to be about 500 calories. For dinner I would have a plate with fried rice, some mixed vegetables, mashed potatoes, and a piece of fish seasoned with garlic salt and lemon that would come out to be about 500 calories. So I would be left with 100 calories at the end of my day. Reference -Janiszewski, Peter. Body mass index (BMI) as a measure of obesity and health: a critical appraisal. June 12, 2011. http://scienceblogs. com/obesitypanacea/2010/03/body_mass_index_bmi_as_a_measu. php

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Equality, Diversity and Rights within Health and Social Care Essay

Sex discrimination act 1975 This act applies for both men and women. It promotes that both men and women should be treated equally. For example, in transport, education, jobs etc. It promotes anti-discriminatory practice by making sure those men and women are treated equally, if this act applies didn’t exist, men and women may be deprived of certain choices. This act includes any discrimination against homosexual marriages or civil partnerships, any discrimination against pregnant women and maternity leave, also about equal pay for both men and women. Disability discrimination act 2005 This act applies to anyone that has some sort of disability. This act is in place to protect disabled people against discrimination both in employment and when using a service or facility. For example, anyone with a disability should have the same opportunities in work or learning places such as school, colleges or universities. In other places such as shops and banks, and to also make sure that they are treated fairly when they go somewhere to eat or drink, such as restaurants or pubs. Public transport services have to make sure trains; buses, etc. are accessible and have the right facilities for anyone with a disability. â€Å"The government has implemented the legislation in three phases. Phase 1 in 1996 made it illegal to treat disabled people less favourably because of their disability. Phase 2 in 1999 obliged businesses to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ for disabled staff, like providing support or equipment. They also have to start making changes to the way they provide their services to customers, for example providing bank statements in large print. Phase 3 from October 2004, businesses may have to make physical alterations to their premises to overcome access barriers. The example people most readily think of is installing ramps for wheelchair users. M2 For this task, I am assess the influence of one recent national policy initiative promoting anti-discriminatory practice on a particular setting. There are various policies promoting discriminatory practice but I am going to explain the mental health act and the mental capacity act 2005. The mental health act 1983, amended again in 2007, with the mental capacity act is a basic guide for people in the care industry to follow to protect the rights of people with some sort of a mental disability and with the main objective is for them to have the best effective care and treatment. The mental health act 1983 is a substantial framework for anyone who is working within care and working with people with a mental health condition. This initiative provides a logical format which stabilities both the law and legal principles in order for mental health workers to come to a settled judgement about someone’s health. This act was amended again in 2007 because there was various reports in which abuse and neglect was suspected and then found out in some mental health institutions, which are branded with discrimination. The only reason that this act was amended was to protect the service users from abuse and discrimination by providing a straight-forward guideline in which all health care professionals must follow to protect the patients from discrimination. The importance of this act is to ensure that people are receiving an effective service with boundaries and laws to protect the individual’s vulnerability and maximising their safety and well-being and most importantly protecting them from any harm. Since the act was amended there has been a significant reduction in the amount of cases that have been reported of abuse and any death. Patients have been treated with more respect and dignity and these patients have now the opportunity not to be discriminated as the act now instructs how and what measures would be taken to protect a service user. However despite this piece of legislation the major issue of perception and preconception against mentally ill patients still exists. This act however does not cover any discrimination within the community but still covers it when admitted into hospital. This also connects to the equality act 2010 as it makes it illegal to discriminate directly or indirectly against someone with a mental health condition within public services and functions, access to any premises,  work, education, associations, and finally transport. D1 For this task, I am going to evaluate the success of the recent initiative in promoting anti-discriminatory practice. I am going to evaluate the mental health act 1983 and how the act’s initiatives promotes anti-discriminatory practice and I am also going to compare the amended version in 2007 and how this has promoted anti-discriminatory practice and how it has improved people’s lives. The mental health act was created in 1983 to make society as fair as possible but it also has had some negative areas. The act says about the ‘removal’ of people with mental disorders. This could be seen as discrimination e.g. marginalisation because you would be making someone feel isolated from society and feel as if they could not be part of that certain part of the community. This act is purely to help and protect those with mental health issues and safeguard those around them. This act was updated from 2001 and finalised in 2007 because the language used in the act was changed. Also issues, treatments on different conditions and ‘treatment tests’ and ‘condition tests ’ were altered additionally. The language was changed in the act because it therefore more politically more correct as no one likes the idea of being ‘removed’ from society. The aim of the act in 2007 is to give people more choice in life, to receive fair and equal opportunities so that they can lead a healthy lifestyle and have a good life with a career etc. Article 4 of the act intrigues to me because of the language used to change the fact that it could come across as discrimination. Impairment in other words means ‘abnormality’ which could come across as belligerent to those who suffer with psychological disorders, this then would present them as ‘lesser’ and therefore more likely to prejudice comments. However the word ‘impairment’ implies that someone isn’t able to lead a normal life and in some cases that is untrue. Recently the government has canvassed through radio and posters to convince the public that there is nothing wrong with having any psychological disorders, and these people shouldn’t be marginalised. Some people use the word ‘mental disorder’ when describing someone with a mental health problem because it again leads these people to be marginalised and have prejudice thoughts about them all the time. Additionally, these certain people do have amazing talents, have successful lives and have a normal life because their society has been taught different. The main changes in 2007 was the language and format of the ac and how procedures and treatment are carried out. An example of this would be that the words ‘psychiatric disorder’, ‘mental illness’ = and ‘mental impairment’ were exchanged with ‘mental illness’. This was done because then it doesn’t categorise each person into a different group and it being changed to ‘mental illness’ it applies to all disabilities and disorders of the mind. They have also created new roles of nurses, psychologists and other health professionals to become an approved mental health professional (AMHP). This is when people are specifically trained in many different ways to promote anti-discriminatory practice. The amendments made in 2007 were originally supposed to change the entire 1983 act but members of parliament voted against this because the new amendments freed the treatability test to allow clinicians to access individuals appropriately and professionally before creating the correct treatment and care. Even though the act has been prosperous in some ways there have been certain issues and provocative issues on why the entire act wasn’t improved or why it needed to be improved. Not only was that but in 1983, the government unsuccessful to reach their targets regarding treatment, equality in society and diversity. It also miscarried to reduce the amount of individuals suffering with mental disorders. P5 For this task, I will describe at least five ways in which anti-discriminatory practice is promoted in health and social care settings. In a health and social care setting, for example, the nursing home I work in (for confidential reasons I cannot reveal the name of it), there are various ways in which anti-discriminatory practice is promoted. The five ways are: There is a variety of menus and food available for anyone; There is wheelchair access all-round the home; There is diverse staff; We do not discriminate; We always promote an individual’s rights. The chef and kitchen staff always have the thought of the religious beliefs and health of the residents when preparing breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack for them. For example, in the nursing home I work in, the majority of residents are of Jewish belief, but there are also Catholics. So if there was roast pork on the menu for lunch, the Jewish residents could have the choice to pick and choose what they would want for lunch. With this menu they could have roast chicken or beef, or even something completely different like a sandwich or an omelette. The kitchen staff think about a resident’s health condition as well because e.g. there is a man in my nursing home that cannot chew proper food and is also diabetic. For his lunch (if it was roast pork again), they could have a minced dinner with everything else (e.g. vegetables/potatoes). Then for his dessert, he could choose between the diabetic pudding, which is a baked apple, diabetic ice cream, or a yogurt. I believe this promotes an ti-discriminatory practice because they always think about the residents before preparing anything for them which includes their diet. There is wheelchair access throughout the whole home. The doors have been especially wide to fit wide wheelchairs, there are stair lifts for anyone who cannot walk down them or need the help of the wheelchair to get them down. There is always the option of going down in our lift which goes to each floor of the home. There is also ramps coming into and out of the home so it doesn’t stop anyone from not coming in. I believe this promotes anti-discriminatory practice because we don’t stop anyone from not coming in for going from a to b. There is a variety of staff working within the nursing home I work in. The majority of the staff would be eastern European girls, but there is also a lot of African/West Indian/Caribbean staff within my work. Additionally there are a lot of Asian men and women working in the home and surprisingly there are 3 people who are fully British that work in our home, whether be in power in the home, in the caring side and the kitchen side. I believe this promotes anti-discriminatory practice because our home doesn’t reject someone from being part of our little family because we believe we can’t stop someone from being part of our family (within reason). In my nursing home, we always ensure that we treat people in a respective way. Some behaviour from a carer or a nurse could be  misunderstood and seen as if they are patronising the resident because of a condition they may have. Always as a carer/nurse one of my roles would be to make any judgement on what may or may not be happening. I have to always listen to the patient or service user if there is any sort of problem and see how a problem that could be happening could be resolved, then I would have to take appropriate action and monitor the situation carefully. I believe this promotes anti-discriminatory practice because we do not want to be dis-respectful to anyone who is using our service. Promoting an individual’s rights can be met in many different ways such as if a person has any learning or speaking difficulties, it would be my responsibility or someone in powers responsibility to get help for the service user and this could mean getting an advocate to help the resident portray what they wanted to say. All service users should be made to feel as if they are just as important as everyone else in the home and be treated with the same amount of respect. I believe this promotes anti-discriminatory practice because we do not stop anyone from being what they want or getting what they want just because they have a learning/speaking difficulties or even walking difficulties. M3 and D2 For this task, I will discuss at least three difficulties that may arise when implementing anti-discriminatory practice in health and social care settings and also to justify how to overcome these difficulties. I will be putting M3 and D2 together as they are similar in task targets. The three difficulties I will be talking about will be locality, discrimination, and socialisation. Locality could be a difficulty when implementing anti-discriminatory practice because for example in a GP’s surgery, and if the majority of the doctors were white, this would pose a problem as if there was a black patient they could feel uninvolved and that they are not equal as the surgery is not promoting that all races are equal by not employing doctors from other ethnic backgrounds. This difficulty could be easily overcome by employing other GP’s from other ethnic backgrounds so that all the races feel included  and equal. To also overcome this, is to give more staff training to the staff, to make sure that they would know how to deal with other people from other ethnic backgrounds. This therefore makes patients feel as if they are not being discriminated against. Staff training is also more effective that presenting posters that say that all patients all equal because although is shows that for example both sexes are equal, the surgery isn’t actually applying that into their work. Furthermore, staff training will propose a chance to discuss possible inequalities whereas posters would offer that option and opinion. Another difficulty that could come up when implementing anti-discriminatory practice is a health status of someone. For example, this could be a difficulty in a hospital because if a patient is in pain and shouting racial abuse at another patient, this could either be the reason of their pain and that they are angry and have to take their anger out on a complete stranger. This could pose as a problem as the other patient who is being discriminated against and furthermore being denied of their rights because of their race. This could be overcome again by staff training, this would be teaching nurses and doctors how to neutralize a situation of anger and how they could calm down a patient easily, so they would stop being racially abusive to the other patient and this therefore would stop the patient from being discriminated against as the abuse would have been stopped. Again posters would not be effective enough to stop any racial abuse as the patients would not pay enough attention to them. So therefore staff would then have to obstruct the situation and this then would be operative and be more probable to stop the judgement. Socialisation is another difficulty in implementing anti-discriminatory practice especially in health and social care setting. For example, in a doctor’s surgery if a young adult was brought up to think that men and women were not equal in their society; they would think this is normal whereas the society they live in is completely different. For instance, in a doctor’s surgery, if a woman was brought up to think that women are not equal to men and men are better. Then if she came into her GP surgery and got the last appointment of the day, and there was a man after her wanting an  appointment, she would then swap her appointment for another day even if she has a serious condition, just because she thought the man deserved it better than her. This therefor would mean that the women would have to suspend her appointment to another day, therefore her illness would deteriorate and could become even more ill than she needed to be just because she gave her appointment away to the man just because he apparently has the right to have it because of his gender. Then when she does go to the doctor, the doctor would say to her she should have come to them earlier when her illness was in the earlier stages as it would be easier to be dealt with. To overcome this difficulty, the doctor’s surgery should employ more staff so that there are other appointments available. Again the staff should be trained more to advise the patients that their men and women are equal and have the same rights as everyone. This patient needs to know that she has the same opportunities as men and this problem doesn’t need to prevent her from getting her appointment again or another situation in which she thinks that men are better than her and have all the advantages over her. For this case, to overcome this, the staff would just have to positively promote her rights and staff training would be more advantageous as they can address her problem specifically whereas any posters or leaflets wouldn’t be paid attention to as much as someone saying it to her. For example, in a residential nursing home, if a female care worker (and she was brought up to think that men were more important than women) was working on a floor which had 10 rooms all of which are occupied by residents. 7 of these residents are women like the care worker herself and the other 3 were male. It was then noticed that this care worker was putting the males priorities ahead of the women’s, this is the wrong thing to do especially in a care home, just because she was brought up to think that men come always before women. This care worker is then not promoting anit-discriminatory practice, in fact she is discriminating against the women who live in the home. If this was to happen and action would need to be taken immediately because she is supposed to treat everyone equally and not as if one person is better than another. This is a problem when implementing anti-discriminatory practice because she is discriminating, however there is ways in which this problem could be overcome. There are two simple ways in which gender discrimination can be overcome in this sort of circumstance: 1. You first could give a verbal or  written warning to the female care worker because they have done something against the rules of their job and of which they cannot break. This is a good way in which discriminatory practice can be overcome because this gives the fear to that care worker that if they do it again they could lose their job due to putting the males priorities in front of the women’s. 2. Second of all, you could give that care worker a training session on ant-discriminatory practice and how to stop discriminatory practice. This would be an effective way to overcome discriminatory practice because it teaches the individual how to behave in their job and to treat everyone as equals and not to favourite some people over others. References: Health & Social Care – Book 1 – Level 3 BTEC National Series editors: Beryl Stretch and Mary Whitehouse Health & Social Care (Adults)- 3rd edition – Level 3 Diploma By Yvonne Nolan

Post Colonial Essay

PostColonial Literature Essay 3. With reference of at least two short stories from the course, consider in what ways either Desai, Munro, Galgut and Rushdie’s stories are Postcolonial texts. You may consider issues such as home and homelessness, absences in the text, place, positionality or anything you feel is relevant to your attempt at decoding postcolonial identities. Post-colonial literature can be considered as a body of literary writings that reacts to the discourse of colonization. Post-colonial writers focus on issues such as de-colonization and the political and cultural independence of people formerly subjugated to colonial rule. However post-colonial literature cannot be described only by the definition above, many other issues have to be considered in order to fully understand post-colonial texts. In order to understand post-colonial texts, one has to focus on two post-colonial writers: Anita Desai and Damon Galgut. To begin with, Anita Desai is an Indian novelist and short story writer, especially noted for her sensitive portrayal of the inner life of her female characters. Desai prefers the concerns of Westernized, middle-class characters rather than those facing the majority of India. Desai has comments on her work â€Å"My novels are no reflection of Indian society, politics or character. They are my private attempt to seize upon the raw material of life. † â€Å"Diamond Dust†(2000), a second Desai’s short story collection, features a selection of tales set in North America and India, Indian characters and concerns figure in all of them, illuminating Desai’s thematic preoccupation with the psychological effects on multiculturalism. A short story called â€Å"Five Hours to Simla or Faisla† was written by Desai. Shubha Tiwari in â€Å"Critical responses to Anita Desai† argues that â€Å"Five Hours to Simla Or Faisla is one of the most successful stories in this collection because of the clarity of the motives in it. It is a humorous story about the adamant attitude of a Sardarji causing a good deal of tension to the travelers on the way to Simla. † In my opinion, â€Å"Five hours to Simla or Faisla† can be called as a post-colonial text for many reasons. First of all, I think that key character is a crucial thing while talking about post-colonial texts. A key character in this text is really important as short stories tend to be more interesting in characterisation. In this story the key character is the mother’s character as it shows tradition-bound patriarchal culture in India: mother’s responsibility to take care of children and not having a say in the family, being less important than the father / husband. At that stage Desai tries to focus on middle-class women in contemporary India as they attempt to overcome social limitations. Writers’ qualification is also very important in post-colonial texts as it reflects why the author chose to talk about this particular subject in their text. Desai’s qualification is feminine and we can see why mother’s ( the wife’s) character is such an important thing in this short story. Her qualification is also somehow engaged in as to why her daily life is occupied with the complexities of modern Indian culture from a feminine perspective, while highlighting the female Indian predicament of maintaining self-identity as an individual woman. Being an immigrant, Desai sees differences between her culture and Western world. Talking about the mother’s character, she tries to show the limited opportunities for women in Indian society; she tries to find the dissolution of traditional Indian values and Western stereotypes of India. Talking about central characters, we can consider family as central characters in this story as Desai focus on family relationship so much in this text. She talks from a third person perspective â€Å"she†, â€Å"he† and she never mentioned family member names, so she place very long distance between readers and family-unnamed characters makes a little bit difficult to talk about them for readers. Secondly, language/style is also really important in post-colonial texts. Desai’s literary language is not her native language, but English. She uses fluid language and a less flaky, descriptive style. She writes in a very natural way. This text is really interesting in linguistic terms, for example Desai in this text uses words such as kohl which means German politician who served as chancellor of West Germany. We can see here that Desai tries to focus on her real roots as her mother was German. Thirdly, it is worth to talk about identity in this text as identity is a key issue in post-colonial text. Desai use this story to solidify, through criticism and celebration, an emerging national identity, which she has taken on the responsibility of representing. Desai in this text represents post-independence India while she is talking about traffic jam. Traffic jam is like a symbol (symbolism is also an important thing in most post-colonial texts) of the stagnancy of the Indian society: India had never formerly existed and so it a huge issue – national identity crises in India. Traffic jam also symbolizes that members of a postcolonial society have an identity which has been shaped jointly by their own unique cultural and community history, intertwined with that of the colonial power. Desai tries to show cultural and social changes that have swept India since its independence from Britain in 1947. Key passages also play a vital role in post-colonial texts. The text I have chosen is: †She did not need to draw upon her thumb juices for long. The news of the traffic jam on the highway had spread like ripples from a stone thrown. From somewhere, it seemed from nowhere for there was no village bazaar, marketplace or stalls visible in that dusty dereliction, wooden barrows came†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (p. 122) I think that this passage shows that the market place finally appeared in Indian society. Market place at this stage is very important as it represents the centre of the community; it connects community together again after British oppression; it is like a sense of community even in stagnancy; it represents a whole nation again. It is always important to look at the title in post-colonial texts. The â€Å"Five hours to Simla or Faisla† title is no exception. Of course, we first look at Five hours to Simla because it makes sense for us- and the text in general represents it, but when we are looking deeper in the text context we make sure that Faisla is an important part of the title too. Faisla in English means judgment/ verdict, so how it is relative to this text? Traffic jam as I said is a symbol of stagnation of the Indian society. It also represents that Indian people are waiting someone to take control of India; to connect all religions together into one India identity/ into one native India. India was damaged by being colonized, so who will bring this country together? Indian people really need someone to take a verdict/leadership. Opening and ending of the text are essential parts of analysis of the post colonial texts too. Desai ends her text with no great judgment and resolution. Short story writers are tend to leave things open. They can’t really solve the problems, but they can represent the problems from all angles and allows people to judge. Another short story, which I would like to analyze is â€Å"The Lover† from â€Å"In a Strange Room† (2010) written by Damon Galgut, a South African novelist. I will start with a speaking person. The narrator is sometimes referred to in the first person singular, sometimes in the third. All this makes connection and at the same time disconnection in one’s mind, especially because Galgut is free and easy with conventional punctuation. Galgut writing style and punctuation is unusual in a way that he does not use any questions marks. Identity is also very important figure in this text. We can see that identity in this text is a migrant identity- the main character in this text is lost in this world, â€Å"he has not made a home for himself†. By this text, the author means that the character has not found a place in the world that he could call home, he doesn’t feel right, and is trying to find a place where he would feel accepted and content. Therefore he travels to Zimbabwe, without having planned anything â€Å"No particular intention brings him to Zimbabwe, all those years ago. He simply decides one morning to leave and gets on a bus that same night. † He also tries to find this place, that in his imagination he could call home. In the text the narrator says â€Å"Somebody has a map and knows which way to go†, he refers to how other people are different than him in a way that they have planned their routine, and have a place they can call home, whereas he hasn’t got any routes or plans, as he feels lost. In my opinion, him travelling around, symbolizes the fact that he is lost. He is trying to change his surroundings, he is trying to find a community, home, to find someone to love. â€Å"If I was with somebody, he thinks, with somebody I loved, then I could love the place and even the grave too, I would be happy to be there. † He emphasizes the fact that he is desperately trying to find a lover, a person who he would love, and that that person would make the surrounding right for him, that only then he would feel happy in the place. The character feels guilt, because he is trying to find a place that he could call home, and a person that he could call his lover, but fails to do that, and therefore he feels guilty. The title â€Å"The Lover† reflects the whole point of this story. In my opinion, the title refers to that person that the main character is looking for throughout his journey. That person in my opinion is the Irish woman that he meets in the hotel and starts his journey. We are told that the moment when they leave the hotel, him and the Irish woman, is the moment when the â€Å"real journey begins†. Sometimes it happens as you leave your house, sometimes it’s a long way from home. † We are told that even though the main character of the story has travelled for a while, his journey has only begun at that time when he, and his ‘lover’, leave the hotel, to go to Malawi. Even though there is no evidence that the woman is feeling any romantic feelings for him, his jo urney only begins now, and this Irish woman gives him hope, and he thinks that she could be her lover, in my opinion. Class issues are very obvious in this text. The officials at the border of Malawi are described as very ignorant, and incompetent. This is due to the fact that when they were told by the tourists, that they were informed by their embassy that they wouldn’t require a Visa. After that the officials shouted at them, and told them that they were wrong, and sent them back to get the Visa. This shows that the officials aren’t well informed, and also badly mannered. This goes to show that the stereotype that most African’s are very narrow minded is still very much true. They wouldn’t allow foreign people to go through the boarded without a Visa, even though it wasn’t required, but they did allow some South African’s through without a Visa. In conclusion, I believe that in order to understand post-colonial text you may consider issues such as identity, story title, characters, language, style, key passages, home and homelessness, place and etc. References: Anita Desai (2000). Diamond Dust, â€Å"Five Hours to Simla or Faisla†. Damon Galgut (2010). In a Strange Room, â€Å"The Lover†. Hart, Jonathan; Goldie Terrie (1993). â€Å"Post Colonial theory†. In: http://books. google. com/books? id=CTJCiLG9AeoC&pg=PA155#v=onepage&q&f=false Word count: 1,967.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Social studies lesson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social studies lesson - Essay Example To maintain the pluralistic nature of America’s society, each participant in this society should be appreciative of one’s ethnic and background while being tolerant to others. To promote appreciation of one’s ethnicity and appreciate other people’s origin, a month dedicated to commemorating a certain ethnicity shall be held which in this case is the Black History Month. Participating students in this activity will benefit in terms of knowing their own history in the case of Afro-Americans. Other students of different racial origin will also benefit from the commemoration of the Black History month as the event will also serve as a learning exercise for them about America’s past and the Black American’s struggle. In the process, it is expected that students of other racial origin will become more tolerant and accepting of each others’ racial background given the understanding of other student’s racial struggle. America is already an egalitarian society where discrimination no longer or barely exists. Racism is already not tolerated and everybody now can freely pursue whatever their aspirations are. But this freedom seems to be taken for granted. It is hoped that after this lesson plan has been delivered, the black community in the class will become more appreciative of what they have right now given the struggles their forebears had to undergo just to give them the opportunities that they now enjoy and make the most out of it. This lesson plan shall be done in succession where activities are planned in bits for the students to absorb the essence of Black History Month better. While there are lectures and video presentation, discussion and sharing of experiences and point of views are also integrated into the lesson plan to make the learning process more interactive. The games and contests designed for the Black History month are intended to be enjoyable to facilitate easier learning in an atmosphere of fun and socialization. In the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Nursing capstone phase 1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nursing capstone phase 1 - Assignment Example The problem and event are to be defined and described factually, which will include quantitative and qualitative properties/attributes of the harmful outcomes. In this case, this will include a specification of the timing, location, magnitude, and nature of the event. Another component that will be used in this particular RCA will be the collection of data to ascertain that the problem does exist, the length of time that the problem has existed, and the impact the problem has portended on the patient (De Silvestro et al, 2013). The hemolytic transfusion reaction will be analyzed fully prior to examining the contributing factors, which will involve assembling experts from several disciplines that comprehend the situation. A third component of the RCA will involve the identification of possible causative factors, in which the RCA will seek to investigate the sequence of events leading up to the hemolytic transfusion reaction, the conditions that allowed the reaction to happen, and other problems associated with occurrence of the reaction (De Silvestro et al, 2013). As many causal factors are to be identified in this component as possible using various tools. These are appreciation to determine every possible consequences of a specific factor, using the 5 why’s to get to the reaction’s root, breaking down the problem into smaller and more detailed portions, and using cause and effect diagrams. Finally, the RCA will also use the recommendation component by seeking to provide solutions about how to prevent another occurrence of a similar reaction and the prevalent risks in implementing the provide solutions (De Silvestro et al, 2013). This component will involve an analysis of the cause and effect process, as well as identification of changes required for the department. Tools that can be used here include the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, Impact Analysis, and Continuous Improvement Analysis. During

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Democracy and Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Democracy and Economy - Essay Example ( Reginald Chua (2000)) .Democracy do have its cons which hinders the path of development in one way or another for example in the country where literacy rates are very low , where the cast system are very much prevalent , people are emotional there the very basic foundation of democracy, the right of people to elect their representative to govern them is massively distorted , the people there usually are unaware of their own rights and their usage so in those countries only corrupt people come in democracy and use it only for their own self interest and people's development is totally ignored. Well if any authoritarian country's administration make sure the right of people are well protected and assure their personal , professional and economical growth, maintain good standard of living for its inhabitants, provide them with basic facilities of life, provide them with employment then the development of the country is inveterate. The living example of it is China and Singapore. Hans F.Sennholz (2007) stated "The most startling progress over the last two decades has been in China which labors under and authoritarian regime". The world poorest democratic states are also as much democratic as the wealthier states but the difference lies in governance (Hans 2007). The key point of this statement is that development is not correlated to democracy that much than it is related to the governance of the country. Some of the countries which has been liberated in early twentieth century like Australia in 1901and New Zealand in 1947 they had government institutes running previously with much of an ideology and legal methods so after freedom they didn't have to work from scratch but those countries which were deprive of such institutions and... The researcher of this essay states that if we look to the meaning of development then according to American heritage Dictionary of English Language (2006) it is define as â€Å"A progression from simpler or lower to a more advance, mature or complex form of state or stage† it is also define as â€Å"act of developing â€Å". Development also have some key indicators which help the economist to access the development rate of the country some of them are per capita income, literacy rate, unemployment rate, standard of living, availability of basic facilities like electricity and gas etc. Democracy in this dictionary is define as â€Å"government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system†. The researcher then focuses on the analysis of the Asia’s democracies, such as India and Philippines, that are less progressive than the other au thoritarian government, such as China or North Korea. Summing up the discussion the researcher can say one thing with utmost authentication and that is the factor that matter much more than democracy or no democracy is the leader, along with his/her leadership qualities, social culture and pressure economic policies and rule of law, if these factors and may other major and minor factors of economy are being effectively implemented and foster into positive direction then the development is 100% bound to come else nothing can guarantee development what so ever.

Friday, July 26, 2019

The effects of water diagrams Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The effects of water diagrams - Assignment Example The air releases its wetness content over the tropical regions creating a low-pressure region. The poles are the origin of dense air descending due to the high pressure. The descending of dense air toward high-pressure tropical zones results in hot dry winds. The resultant wind is devoid of moisture and blows over North Africa, North America and Middle East hence, the desert in the above regions (Concord, 2012). The descending of glacier results in the creation of features. However, the process is gradual. Glaciers create feature by scouring the earth and depositing material in diverse areas. They drag along rocky material, which is embedded in the glacier. The rock particles scour the earth surface creating certain feature such as horns and arà ªtes. Additionally, if the gravel emanating from glaciations is deposited it is regarded as moraine. For glaciations to generate distinct features, massive quantity of ice is necessary. However, the receding ice caps have resulted in reduced glaciations (Pidwirny,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Sponsoring Arsenal Football Club Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Sponsoring Arsenal Football Club - Essay Example The season for the premier league starts from the month of august till may. It is one of the most lucrative leagues as it is attracting all the top players all over the world to its teams. In the year 1992, the premiere league was sponsored by Carlings. This was followed by the sponsorship of the premiere league by the Barclays card. "A history of the premier league". In the year 2001, the Barclays started complete sponsorship to the premiere league and from there on it came to be known as Barclays Premiere League. Today, people recognise the English premiere league by the name of Barclays. The sponsorship to the league started in the year 1992, it was first sponsored by Carlings and later on by Barclaycard from 2001-2004, Barclays 2004-2007, Barclays premier league finally 2007-2010. The total number of teams competing in the Barclay's premier league is 40 clubs. Out of the 40, 4 have already won the title of Manchester united, Blackburn rovers, arsenal, Chelsea. I have also discuss ed the competition format for the 20 clubs in the premiere league. About Barclay Bank, the bank has its headquarters in London alongwith Barclays Group Chairman is Marcus Aguis, and the Group Chief Executive is John Varley. They also function in all over the world, offering their customers with the suitable products and services. The company is listed on the London stock exchange. The bank also complies with the UK combined code on corporate governance. Barclays bank has a history of 300 years old. In all these years the bank has grown to offer its customers the required and the right product and the serices, suiting their requirement. The bank has its services in the field of financial services; they are also into retail and commercial banking, credit cards, investment banking, wealth management services al over the globe. The bank has its extensive international presence in Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia. The Barclays bank operates in more than 50 countries and has its tota l employees of approximately 155,000 people. Now, the question arises as why did Barclays bank tie up with the premiere league The premier league laid down the following objectives and they were the ones that compelled Barclays to sponsor the premiere league. They were to be regarded world's best football league off and on the field, to promote the accessibilty to live games and enough media exposure and generate traffic to the media channel where the league is forecasted. To generate sufficient revenue so as to strengthen the future events of the premier league and its clubs as also been the main aim of the premier league. Football is the main domestic sport of the people there. They thought that this is the best way to advertise and promote their products and services. As the traffic is already generated by the fans, so they thought of doing innovative marketing and promotion of their products and services. They contributed to the premier league right from the year 2001 till 2010. Obviously, if Barclays is sponsoring such a big event then it would definitely change the preception of the people regarding Barclays banking. They are

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Object Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Object - Essay Example The cup seemed to follow three geometrical figures, of a cone, a circle and a triangle. The main portion of the cup reminded me of an inverted cone though unfinished towards the cup’s base, thanks to the circular shape that is needed to balance its weight. The handle of the cup stood out from usual designs, by its triangular shape. The size of the cup made me apprehensive of its practical use, of holding it filled with tea, as it was just 10 centimeters tall and 7 centimeters in diameter. However, I was willing to buy it even as a showpiece, and the prize was not exorbitant. I just made sure in the shop that my two fingers can be inserted in the handle and that the cup does not tilt when I hold it. When I reached home, I tried using it as a teacup and was glad to find out that even with tea filled to its rim, the cup does not tilt, and the shape of the handle distanced my fingers from direct contact with the surface of the cup immediately near the hot content inside. The design is proportionate and pragmatic. The small base and expanding mouth of the cup is complemented by its triangular handle, expanding with the shape of the cup towards the tip. The color design is also in accordance with the shape of the cup. The predominant color, yellow, makes the cup look bigger than it is and the circles among the yellow surface and the border at the top in bright red color gives it the grand look that can be achieved only with the judicious bland of colors and shapes. To emphasize the handle, the yellow and red combination does not apply to its base and is instead painted white. The outer portion of the handle is yellow in color, while its inner portion is white. The bright red border extends to a very small portion of the inner surface of the cup, decorating its rim. The inner portion is a pure, spotless white. One functional aspect that I discovered about the extension of the red border

Philosophy - Plato's Republic and Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics Essay

Philosophy - Plato's Republic and Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics - Essay Example Therefore, it seems that democracy leads to anarchy. Further, Plato imagines democracy, which invites everyone as equals to rule themselves, as leading to a nation of power-hungry individuals motivated by selfish interests rather than the public good. Accordingly, Plato imagines democracy leading to tyranny. Either way, it seems democracy leads a society on a slippery slope toward an undesirable end-state. In our modern day democracies, we tend to disagree with Plato in saying that, when well controlled, a democracy neither leads to anarchy nor tyranny. But Plato’s opposition to a modern society is more fundamental. The character Socrates advocates for a state ruled by â€Å"philosopher-kings† in a rigid system of castes that does not allow for lateral movement between the different groups in society (484d). This is abhorrent from the perspective of liberal democracy because this neither acknowledges the right of individuals to govern oneself nor to find happiness in wh atever pursuits one wishes to follow. This desire for a ruling caste stems from Plato’s view of the philosopher as superior in theoretical knowledge over the other people in the state (539e). Despite all of these differences, Plato’s Republic seeks many of the same ends as modern day democracies, including justice as the chief concern of a government (540e) and freedom as a necessary component of a good state (701d). Plato’s Republic advocates for a three-part division of society into classes of rulers, soldiers, and the common people. The reason for this division is the concept of specialization wherein particular tasks or duties are reserved to those who are the most qualified to perform them. Plato believes in this stratification as a means of achieving the greatest amount with the resources available to society. But this stratification leads to severe limits on the liberties of those within the state. For instance, since the rulers of the city already have p ossession of a superior intellect, Plato reasons that they should be allowed to hold no property, to live at the expense of the state, and to live only on their most basic needs. Similarly, members of the common class and the soldiering class are not allowed lateral mobility within the classes. They are, from birth, determined to stay within those classes to develop and prosper in aid to the city. Plato suggests that if citizens claim their dissatisfaction with the role in which they are placed, then the state ought to supply them with the falsehood that they are, by nature, assigned to that role based on the differential dispositions of people to fulfill certain roles (415a). Although this is an ideal situation from the perspective of Plato’s Socrates, from the perspective of a modern democracy, it leaves much to be desired. In fact, it seems clear that modern societies believe that individuals should be allowed to pursue whatever path they feel is right for them, regardless of whether they are effective in that social role. Of course, the nature of capitalism dictates that individuals perform acts that best enable them to support their livelihoods, but individuals do not need to act within strict social constraints like those proposed in the Republic. Secondly, a modern movement away from a class system lies in disagreement with Plato’s advocacy of a class system. Although classes seem justified on account

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

International service2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

International service2 - Assignment Example Credit ratings play a fundamental role in a reduction of the information asymmetry. Such information concerning the value of securities or bonds is often a subject to distortion and bias, but the rating portfolio chips in to alleviate the crises. The information provided for a certain bond or security influences the intensity of participation of its sales and value in the financial markets. For a borrower to qualify in the stage of borrowing, the lender has to reconsider a variety of factors, one of which is credit rating. Third parties also utilize the same analysis to establish the confidence of the bond progress. Primarily, credit ratings are very essential in reducing such information gap. One has to spot a critical difference between a real borrower and a risk borrower. In this way, credit ratings will come hand in hand with their in-depth information. The information is independent and not subject to bias. Private investors may not keep in close useful trend with the companies that issue the security. Therefore, it is important for an intermediary to come in between the companies giving their results in terms of ratings. The ratings will not only aid in investment portfolios but also in transparency and disclosure of appropriate bonds purchase in the coming days. Most significantly, credit rating process utilizes the entire firm’s financial data, financial trends, accounting information and other charters to come up with a conclusive information of rating the firm. The evaluation process is rigorous and consumes much time. Those analyzing the data always strike a clear balance in the assessment tools to ensure that there is no one firm that is disadvantaged. The information is also withheld d and not disclosed to other competitive firms, hence high level of confidentiality. With the rigorous process utilized in data collection, analysis and final verification, the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Bio Sem Mock Research Paper Essay Example for Free

Bio Sem Mock Research Paper Essay Abstract: If one was to try to grow corals in order to build up a damaged reef, what would be the most effective, quick way to do it? Coral reefs are always facing hardships from natural and unnatural destructors, causing the percentage of reefs to diminish. Coral reefs have their own, natural, ways of rebuilding but sometimes, things need to be helped along in order to restore the ecosystem. In order for coral to grow, especially in captivity, there must be proper levels of everything. Whether it be, calcium levels, pH levels, or even salt levels, everything has to be perfect, and if there are any imbalances, it could result in devastation to the captive coral population. The results found from the experiment suggest that corals exposed to zooxanthellae with proper nutrition and chemical levels in the water grew the fastest and healthiest. Introduction: Ever since I was little, I was fascinated with everything to do with marine life and I can definitely thank my father for introducing me to the complexities of the underwater world. Corals especially catch my attention because they are not only plants, they are thriving creatures with, what seems to be, minds of their own. The fact that each species have their own specific niches such as being able to collect food by themselves, protect themselves with chemicals, and move on their own is just amazing to me. My interest in coral reefs has led me to want to learn more and maybe someday help protect this staple in underwater ecosystems. My interest in maintaining coral reefs has led me to the question, how does one cultivate corals and/or restore damaged corals in a closed environment to the point of being grown and healthy enough be placed back into the ocean in the fastest amount of time possible? Materials and Methods: Pioneer corals were used in the experiment because when restoring a coral reef, pioneer corals must come first in order to create a basis for the other corals to grow off of. Different aquariums housed the coral, each with different variations of the chemicals needed. There was a constant variable aquarium that contained water most similar to that of the ocean’s and the others had variations such as higher or lower pH levels, added nutrients, and different amounts of sunlight. Results: Discussion: It was found that one of the important factors of a healthy developing coral is the harboring of a photosynthetic dinoflagellate called zooxanthellae. This develops a lining in the coral’s cells that helps produce much of it’s carbon energy needs. Acknowledgements: Literature Cited: Jaap. Coral reef restoration. Florida Marine Research Institute and Lithophyte Research. Ecological engineering 15 345-364. Elsevier. 10 March 2000.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Structural Causes Of Unethical Behavior Within An Organization

Structural Causes Of Unethical Behavior Within An Organization Traditionally, organizations function within a certain set of guidelines and protocols that inherently form a structure in an organization. Pugh defines an organizational structure as a hierarchical concept of subordination of entities that collaborate and contribute to serve one common aim. Activities such as task allocation, coordination and supervision are carried out to achieve organizational goals. Organizations are formal entities that distribute tasks through specialization and create a standard set of processes to create an efficient and effective workplace environment to increase productivity while saving costs. Standard operating procedure protocols, management protocols and standard set of rules and codes are implemented throughout the organization to ensure all employees perform their tasks as they are supposed to in the proper way. For instance, in a car assembly line, factory workers and engineers have to follow a certain set of guidelines to ensure the quality of the cars. Testing for safety and quality are standardized in every manufacturing branch not only throughout the country but internationally. Similarly, McDonalds provide standard operating procedures for every franchise throughout the globe in order to maintain quality and the companys reputation (Griffin, 2012). Although formal organizations provide a set of guidelines and standard procedures, in a situation where ethical decision-making takes place, these standard codes fail to provide a clear cut solution to the dilemma, thus resulting in unethical behavior which are caused by the structure of the organization. Organizations do provide codes of conduct and ethical code doctrines to employees prior to their hiring but implementing those codes are entirely up to the employees and their immediate supervisors. Even the CEO of a company can make unethical decisions to his own discretion despite being bound to the ethical codes of conduct of the corporation in which he serves. Moreover, considering he is the man in charge of the entire corporation, it is even more likely that he will not be held responsible for his unethical decisions. When the organization structure fail to prevent unethical behavior, ultimately the profitability and sustainability of a corporation will be affected. This is where strict corporate governance needs to be put in place in order to minimize unethical behavior within an organization. In order to solve unethical behavior and improve organization structure, we must first understand how a structure can fail to prevent unethical behavior. Furthermore, we must identify the types of unethical behavior that can arise in ethical situations where an organizations structure is ineffective. Finally, we will also expound on previous researches to identify ways to minimize unethical behavior within an organization by, among other things, improving the structure of the organization. 1.2.1 Boston Consulting Group Founded by Bruce D. Henderson in 1963, The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a global management consulting firm that has successfully appeared in the top 15 of Fortunes Best Companies To Work For seven years in a row. As much as it was a subsidiary of The Boston Company, BCG currently has 77 offices of its own in 42 countries all across the World. In attempts of trying to understand the nature of pricing in a manufacturing industry and as a result of work done for a semiconductor manufacturer, The Boston Consulting Group came up with its first breakthrough known as the experience curve in 1966. The experience curve states that the unit cost of a product gradually decreases as cumulated volume and production experience increases. Ultimately, the theory stresses that it is crucial and important to enter newly introduced fields and take hold of as much market share as possible. By doing this, an organization will be able to gain advantage over other late-arriving organizations in the same field and thus, eliminating any sort of competition. (Refer to Appendix C) The Boston Consulting Group Matrix (BCG Matrix) also known as the growth-share matrix was introduced in 1968. The framework of the BCG Matrix consists of a box with four quadrants that is represented using terms such as cash cows, dogs, question marks and stars. The terms of the framework represent growth rate, market share and negative and positive flow of cash. The main goal of the framework is to achieve a balance between cash cows, question marks and stars and to sell off the dogs. As soon as the theory was introduced, the terms of the framework quickly became fixtures in the world of business. In the same year, BCG was released as a subsidiary from The Boston Company. (Refer to Appendix D) Despite the departure of a few prominent and top individuals, The Boston Consulting Group became an independent company in 1975. BCG was one of the first few companies to practice the Employee Retirement Income Security Act as the company recognized its benefits and was quick to take advantage of the act. Through this act, The Boston Consulting Group was allowed to establish an employee stock ownership program. The establishment of the program made way for the process of buying BCG from The Boston Company to begin. By 1979, the buyout was completed five years ahead of the original schedule. (Refer to Appendix E) The year 1985 paved way for some major changes at top level management for The Boston Consulting Group as its founder and then Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Bruce D. Henderson retired. He was succeeded by John Clarkeson who assumed the position of CEO and Alan Zakon who took on the position of chairman of the companys board. In 1992, Henderson died at age 77. Few people have had as much impact on international business in the second half of the twentieth century as the founder of The Boston Consulting Group, eulogized the Financial Times upon Hendersons death. (Refer to Appendix E) In 2003, Hans-Paul Burkener was elected the fifth President and CEO of The Boston Consulting Group by the companys partners. As of the year 2011, The Boston Consulting Group was ranked second on Fortunes 100 Best Companies To Work For, marking its sixth consecutive year on such a prestigious list. BCG continues to explore important topics that have significant effects around the World as the company aims to provide better and more quality service in helping organizations to combat the battle of ever changing landscapes in the management of diversity (Refer to Appendix F). 1.2.2 General Electric In 1890, Thomas Edison established his own company and named as Edison General Electric Company by bringing his different businesses together. Two years later, Edison General Electric Company incorporated with Thomson-Houston Company and, then they named the new organization as General Electric Company. The new organization the General Electric Company is a diversified technology and financial services company. General Electric Company has different type of products and services. They main product and service is householder appliances and General Electric Company is one of the largest manufacturers of major appliances in the world. Besides that, General Electric Company also has other different type of products and services such as aviation, consumer electronics, customer training, electrical distribution, energy, finance-business, healthcare, oil gas, water, lighting, software services, rail, and other. In the early 1890s, the first General Electric appliances electric fans were produced, and a full line of heating and cooking devices were developed in the year 1907. A few years later, General Electric Company developed the first airplane engine booster for the fledgling U.S. aviation industry. Besides that, the plastic filaments for light bulbs were created in 1930, and led to the first General Electric Plastics department. Through the years, General Electrics leaders have built a portfolio for the diversity of management and leading businesses. Thats made the General Electric Company become a most success company that drives growth and reduces the production costs; increase financial strength and Controllership that allow it to capitalize on opportunities through numerous cycles. And, they have a set of common values that allows it to face any environment or situation with confidence. In 1971, the General Electric Company with the helped from McKinsey developed a General Electric/McKinsey Matrix. The General Electric/McKinsey Matrix was developed in year 1971, with the helped from McKinsey and consulting firms. And, General Electric Company used it to measure or decides which Strategies Business Units (SBU) should invest, retain, or divest. The GE matrix/McKinsey matrix is one that cans helps to improve the companys businesses unit strength and helps to increase businesses unit attractiveness. Besides that, this matrix is measure the business unit through the business units attractiveness and business strength. When the business units attractiveness and strength is high, the company should keep invest for gain more profit. On the other hand, when the business units attractiveness and strength is medium, the company should retain or selectively invest. But, when the business units attractiveness and strength is low, it is the time for the company to exit that business unit or stop invests in that business unit. The aim of this portfolio analysis is: To decide the company should invest more or divest. To helps the new product or business unit to develop a growth strategies. To decide which business unit should retain or not. 2.0 Literature Review 2.1 Unethical Behavior Resulting from Failure of Organizational Structure Many researchers were found to focus on various aspects that management fails to prevent different types of unethical behavior within a corporation. Some of the unethical behavior that is being studied includes conflict of interest, false advertising, discrimination, insider trading, and harassment among others. For instance, Sherry, Shilbury and Wood (2007) found that as sport becomes a fully-fledged business, there is an increased complexity of ethical issues within sports management and conflict of interest presents similar structural elements as traditional businesses. Practices such as providing benefits, trust and obligation are magnified, as there are also societal expectations and values emphasized in sport and sporting organizations. To illustrate the issue of conflict of interest arising from structural failing in this matter, five of the seven board members of the Californian Horse Racing Board actively own or breed racehorses and at least six acknowledge that they gamble at the track (Sherry, Shilbury, Wood, 2007). This clearly is a conflict of between the board members personal interest and the interest of the corporation. Conflict of interest issues are usually not clearly outlined within the corporation, especially for people in top management and there is no obvious way to i dentify a person who has a conflict of interest because a hierarchical organization does not usually scrutinize an employees personal life. In this case, the integrity of the sport will be compromised, as society will not look with favor on the races for fear of them being cheated out of their bets. Furthermore, despite laws and regulation outlawing discrimination while hiring, there is still a substantial informal form of discrimination in the workplace towards different races or genders. As found by Pompper (2011) after interviewing 36 middle aged, middle income women of African-American, Asian-American and Hispanic ethnicity in the communications industry, glass ceilings in communication organization remains impenetrable especially for women of these ethnicities. The research found that there is a higher level of financial uncertainty for middle aged, middle-income women of color within media organizations. None of the participants of the research reported having equal salary or status with male colleagues that do comparable work. While there have been strides to reduce employment discrimination in many countries, informal forms of discrimination that are not specifically outlined in corporate policies will still occur, especially in a society or country that inherently, in t heir culture, practice discrimination against gender or race. 2.2.1 Boston Consulting Group In a publication titled Strategic Business Models, Frederick Betz discusses the six different kinds of generic business models that can be used in operating a company. One of the generic business models that he highlights is The Boston Consulting Group Matrix (BCG Matrix). Betz defines a business model as a strategic technique of how ones company now operates and how it should change to operate in the future. Also, he describes a business model as an abstraction of business identifying how that business profitably makes money. Besides that, he identifies a business model as abstracts about how inputs to an organization are transformed to value-adding outputs. The transformation of input resources into output products or services is performed by the processes and operations of the business. Furthermore, he mentions that a strategic business model is a systematic list of policies that will guide the future specification of inputs, outputs, processes and values of the complete operations of the business of the corporation. In a publication titled Kiechels History of Corporate Strategy, Robert J. Allio and Robert M. Randall interviewed Walter Kiechel III about his book titled The Lords of Strategy: The Secret Intellectual History of the New Corporate World (Harvard Business Press, 2010). In his book, Kiechel chronicles the rise and stumbles of a number of leading consultancies primarily Bain, Boston Consulting Group and Mc Kinsey after having interviewed originators of the core ideas behind strategy and strategic movement and executives at the companies where it was first practiced. In his book, Walter Kiechel III regards The Boston Consulting Group as the Lords of Strategy. He explains that the pioneering consulting efforts of the organization has helped instill a sense of empiricism that is a fundamental key in competing. He defines empiricism as the ability to identify and recognize facts that are essential in gaining advantage over other late-arriving organizations in the same field. Also, the concepts developed by The Boston Consulting Group are made up of easy-to-understand and familiar patterns that make the task of interpreting the data less difficult. This indirectly enables one to figure out what needs to be done. Besides that, Kiechel did not fail to draw attention to the opinions of critics and his personal opinion about The Boston Consulting Group Matrix (BCG Matrix) in his book. Critics pointed out that a certain organization can define and characterize the shares and size of a targeted market. However, it is impractical and almost impossible for the same organization to predict the exact growth of the market. Kiechel strongly believes that an organization should associate with the hidden message of the BCG Matrix. An organization should take the initiative to identify and accurately comprehend the competitive situation that it faces, the data for understanding the business that it is involved in and the potential that the organization possess. Otherwise, you are left at the mercy of every business units manager telling you that Next year is going to be different; This baby is really set to take off. (Kiechel, 2010). 2.2.2 General Electric Nowadays, General Electric can be more successful. If should related to the McKinsey and Company consulting firm. Because General Electric Company get the help from McKinsey and Company consulting firm, and developed a more complicated matrix (Figure 2.1). Through the internet research, the General Electric Company used GE matrix/McKinsey matrix as their planning system for management of diversity. From my general knowledge about the GE matrix/McKinsey matrix, it is a strategic that will separate from the mother company into many small business units and determine which business unit should invest more, retain, or divest. From Strategic Management: theory and case study, by Tunchalong Rungwitoo, the General Electric / McKinsey Matrix, is a nine cell matrix from two dimensions, which is industry attractiveness and business strength. For the use of General Electric/McKinsey Matrix, they use the GE matrix/McKinsey matrix to identify whether the small business units should invest, retain, or divest. Besides that, it also can fits perfectly to the companys strengths and helps to exploit the most attractive industries or markets. Besides that, General Electric Company can see the status of their business units and suggest the strategy the business fell in which categories through the General Electric/McKinsey Matrix (Figure 2.2). The vertical axis of the General Electric/McKinsey matrix is industry attractiveness, which is determined by the factors such as market growth rate, market size, demand variability, industry profitability, industry rivalry, global opportunities, and others. And, the horizontal axis of the General Electric/McKinsey matrix is the strength of the business unit. Some factors that can be used to determine business unit strength include: market share, growth in market share, brand equity, distribution channel access, production capacity, and profit margins relative to competitors. From International Journal of Humanities and Social science, the General Electric/McKinsey Matrix requires the identification and assessment of both external and internal factors, which are industry attractiveness and business strength on a nine-cell grid. To grow, to hold, or to harvest are the categories used to classify both attractiveness and strength (Figure 2.2). When that is high attractiveness and high business strength (Leader), the company should seek dominance and maximize investment. When that is medium attractiveness and medium business strength (Proceed with care), the company should specialize and invest selectively. And, when that is low attractiveness and low business strength (Withdrawal), the company should attack rivals and time exit. 3.0 Data Analysis and Discussion 3.1.1 Structural Causes and How to Solve Them An organization can have a centralized or a decentralized structure. A centralized organization refers to an organization in which important decision-making tasks and power are given and carried out by few leaders. As stated by Vitez (2012), centralized organization depends on a single person to give direction and make decisions for the corporation. A decentralized organization, on the other hand, give autonomy to individuals in middle and lower management levels to make critical decisions and usually carry out decisions as part of a team (Vitez, 2012). The hierarchy of the organization also tends to be much more flat compared to centralized organizations. In a centralized organization, ethical conduct is often disseminated in the form of ethical codes of conduct and corporate policies. It is easier to control and minimize unethical behavior within an organization with a central structure as employees have clearly written guidelines to follow in the corporation and if they fail to do so, they will be reprimanded for it. However, an employees own personal ethical standards may conflict with what is expected of him as a member of the organization and its corporate culture (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2012). Centralized organization also creates a groupthink environment in which in an organization culture where unethical behavior is prevalent, employees knowingly commit unethical acts or ignore unethical acts with full knowledge that these behaviors are morally wrong. As stated by Sims (2003), the presence or absence of ethical behavior in organizational members actions is both influenced by the prevailing culture (ethical climate) and, in turn, partially determines the cultures view of ethical issues (Sims, 2003). Furthermore, central codes of ethics are created out of context of ethical dilemmas and may not be suited for delicate situations with no clear-cut solution. While having an ethical code may inhibit major ethical problems such as physical and sexual harassments that are clearly morally wrong and unethical to begin with, subtle ethical problems may not be outlined in the ethical code of the company such as alienating co-workers of other races. Conversely, a decentralized organization gives more freedom to employees to make decisions and top management usually delegate decision making to middle and low management. In this type of structure, there is more flexibility to each unit of business to carry out tasks and make decisions. According to Gitman and McDaniel (2008), decentralized organizations benefit by quicker decision making, increased level of innovation and creativity, greater organizational flexibility, faster development of lower-level managers, and increased level of job satisfaction and employee commitment (Gitman McDaniel, 2008). Despite this, there is also a risk of unethical practices and behavior occurring in a decentralized organization. As employees are given more power to make decisions, they are now more susceptible to moral hazards in which an employee will have a higher tendency to take risks. As decentralized organizations have fewer internal controls such as corporate policies and code of ethics, these organizations rely on shared values (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2012). Therefore, it is harder to control employee behavior especially if they do not believe in the shared values of the organization. To solve these structural problems, an organization must first acknowledge the possibility of unethical behavior occurring within its framework. An organization must realize the flaws that each type of structure presents and ways to combat these flaws to minimize risky and unethical behavior among its employees. In this sense, organizations should look into allocating resources to study and research the structural problems and implement the solutions into the organizational structure. Organizational change is somewhat harder and more costly to implement in a centralized organization because it involves changing all policies from top to bottom within the organization as compared to a decentralized organization, which is more fluid, and adapt to change quickly. New rules, values and organizational culture to minimize unethical behavior must always be monitored to gauge the success of these new policies. Furthermore, an organization must tailor its ethical standards to the type of structure that it uses. For instance, in a centralized organization there should be more room to maneuver ethical dilemmas that does not strictly coincide with corporate policies. Moreover, centralized organizations should provide a form of outlet for employees to air grievances about ethical dilemmas and adopt a situational approach to ethical decision making in the corporation. On the other hand, in a decentralized organization, top management should constantly portray ethical values outwardly through their actions so that it empowers employees to follow their stride and perform ethically as well. Leading by example is one of the approaches to keep employees from committing unethical acts in this type of organizational structure. There should also be some form of central codes of conduct, even in a decentralized organization to keep employees in check and to maintain the reputation of the corporation. Other solutions to prevent unethical behavior are to set up a committee that will look into employees indiscretions in the company and evaluate whether these indiscretions are justified in the given circumstances. Instead of penalizing the employee by suspending them and creating resentment, the employees should be sent to ethics classes to help them rehabilitate their behavior. Ethics classes are a good way to disseminate ethical values within an organization but having classes in which the instructor tells the employees the rules, there should be a more interactive environment where employees get to try their hand in solving ethical dilemmas in the workplace. Ethics classes and training should also be given to new hires as part of their training in the corporation. Additionally, the organization can provide motivational training for employees to get them invested in the interest of the company and the companys bottom line that is the customers. A motivated employee is a hardworking and productive employee and an employee that is less likely to make unethical decisions that may jeopardize the company and its customers. 3.2.1 Boston Consulting Group Planning System Large companies that have diversified its business into other strategic business units usually face challenges in allocating resources among its units. The Boston Consulting Group Matrix Growth-Share Matrix (BCG Growth-Share Matrix) is a planning model for managing portfolio of different business units that is based on combinations of market growth rate and relative market share. The market growth rate represents industry attractiveness and relative market share represents the strength of a company within the industry relative to its competitors. Thus, the position of a company on the BCG Growth-Share Matrix indicates consumption of cash needed to diversify into a particular business and generation of cash through that particular business. The portfolio planning model of the BCG Growth-Share Matrix is divided into four grids that are represented using four symbols; cash cow, dog, question mark and star. Cash cows are used to represent a business unit in a mature industry that has a large market share. It generates more cash than it consumes which in return can be used to invest in other business units. Business units that are categorized as cash cows should be milked in order to gain profits while investing as little cash as possible into that particular business unit. Besides that, dogs are used to represent a business unit in a mature industry that has a small market share and a low growth rate. It does not require high cash consumption nor does it result in high cash generation. Even so, business units that are categorized as dogs are cash traps because the cash invested is tied up in a business unit that has little possibility. Instead, the cash invested into that particular business unit can be deployed into other more rewarding business units. (Refer to Appendix A) In addition to that, question marks are used to represent a business unit that has a small market share in a high growth market. Due to this, it consumes more cash than it generates. However, business units that are categorized as question marks have the potential to become stars and eventually cash cows if high investments and resources to grow market shares are fueled into that particular business unit. Nevertheless, it is still a questionable decision as it is unknown if it will succeed and become stars and cash cows. Furthermore, stars are used to represent a business unit that has a large market share in a high growth market. It requires high cash consumption but at the same time, it results in high cash generation. Thus, the flow of cash in each direction is evened out. If successful, business units that are categorized as stars will eventually become cash cows when its industry matures. (Refer to Appendix A) Despite its many advantages, the BCG Growth-Share Matrix has its disadvantages as well. The main limitation that has been identified is the questionable link between market share and profitability. This is due to the fact that an increasing market share can be very expensive and may not result in high cash generation as predicted. On top of that, the matrix overlooks many factors that contribute to the profitability of a business unit. For example, market growth rate is only one of the many factors that represent industry attractiveness. Also, there are additional factors that represent the strength of a company within the industry relative to its competitors besides relative market share. (Refer to Appendix B) Moreover, the framework of the matrix assumes that each business unit is independent and does not depend on other business units run by the company. However, in some large companies, this is most certainly not the case. For instance, business units that are categorized as dogs which do not require high cash consumption nor does it result in high cash generation may have been formed in order to strategically help other business units run by a particular company. (Refer to Appendix B) 3.2.2 General Electric Planning System On the other hand, the General Electric also had own portfolio analysis for the diversity of management or Strategies Business Units (SBU), which is General Electric/McKinsey Matrix. General Electric/McKinsey Matrix is a business portfolio analysis on Strategies Business Units (SBU) that based on the business unit strength and the market attractiveness. The business unit strength is determined by some factors such as the market share, growth in market share, and others. And, the market attractiveness is determined by the factors such as market growth rate, market size, and others. Thus, the General Electric will invest the business unit through the markets strength and the markets attractiveness. The General Electric/McKinsey Matrix is nine-cell portfolio matrix which will measure the business unit strength and attractiveness, and let the company know whether they should invest, retain, or divest that business unit. The advantages of this matrix are telling the company their business unit strength and attractiveness and what decision should them make. When the company should invest, retain, or divest the business unit? When the business unit falls into the categories A, B or D (Figure 2.3) is the time for company to invest. Because at that time, the business unit has a quite strong strength and market attractiveness, so the company should invest for growth or to maintain that business unit at that kind of category. On the other hand, when the business unit falls into the categories C, E, or G (Figure 2.3) is the time for company to retain the business unit. This is because the business unit does not have quite strong business strength and market attractiveness. But, the compa ny also can try to invest that business unit for get more earning. And, when the business unit falls into the categories F, H, or I (Figure 2.3) is the time for company to divest that business unit or plan to exit that business unit because the business unit has weak business strength and market attractiveness. Although the General Electric/McKinsey Matrix has many advantages such as it will looks through all the business unit sides such as market size, market growth rate, market share, and what decision should them make depend on the business units strength and attractiveness, it has forgot about the other competitors and the new business unit. This matrix totally forgot about other competitors and the new business unit, we should look at other competitors strength and attractiveness too. This is because other competitors may affect own companys strength and attractiveness and the growth rate too. And, for the new business unit, what can the new business unit should do, to invest, retain, or divest? 4.0 Conclusion 4.1 Organization Structure and Ethics Organizations face many challenges when operating, one of which is the moral problems that can potentially occur within its structure. Organizations play an important rol

Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOP)

Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOP) CHAPTER IV SANITATION STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES (SSOP) 4.1. Introduction SSOP (Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures) should be specific to each food/fisheries plant. SSOP describe the plants sanitary handling of raw material and hygiene of the processing area and it environment. SSOP contain a description of the procedures that an establishment will follow to address the elements of pre-operational and operational sanitation relating to the prevention of direct product contamination. Fisheries plants are required to develop, maintain, and adhere to written SSOP. This requirement was established because the government concluded that SSOP were necessary. The objective of SSOP is to minimize contamination on product or adulteration. SSOP cover daily pre-operational and operational sanitation procedures. Establishments must identify the officials to monitor daily sanitation activities, evaluate whether the SSOP are effective, and take proper corrective action when its needed. 4.2. Definition SSOP is an activity that related to cleanlines and health effort during procesing so products have good quality and be safe for consumption. Based on Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture regulation No.41/Kpts/IK.210/2/98 about PMMT, the SSOP objective is prevent pathogen bacteria growth which destroy product that danger to human. According to Darwanto and Murniyati (2003), SSOP is one of prerequisite programs that is used for the environment sanitation surveillance, so the plant will produce safe product. The environment on plant comprises rooms, equipments, workers, water etc. Every product processing has different SSOP although in one factory. On SSOP document, it explains the procedures of implementation and monitoring of SSOP on factory. 4.3. SSOP Scope SSOP sections are based on eighth FDA key sanitation conditions. Those sections as follows: Ice and water safety, used on fish processing. Water, used on fish processing, get from safe sources and it manage with good system. Condition and cleanlines of equipments surface that are directly contact to product have to clean and sanitize, including gloves, work dress etc Cross contamination control. Hand washing (hand sink), sanitizer and toilet. Toilets have to complete with door and clean at the end of processing. Hand sink should complete with wà ¡ter, soap and towel. Product protection from packaging materials. Labeling, storing and material using based on instruction. Sanitizer, oil, and pesticide and toxic chemical have to complete with label and store on special room. Worker health control. When the workers work on factory, they have to clean and healthy. Pest controlling on factory environment using chemical substances, environment should be clean from pest. 4.4. SSOP Principles 4.4.1. Water safety The water supply is one of the most factors when making products which are safe to eat and which meet the required microbiological standards. Water is the most important component on food processing. In food industries, water has function as part of product composition, cleaning the products, equipments and others, raw material of ice and glazing, and drinking (Winarno and Surono, 2002). Before using on food processing, the water have to free from bacteria, suspended material, chemical pollutants, bacteria, viruses, etc. If water contains many bacteria, chlorine can remove and kill the bacteria, it makes the water free from microorganism. Water that use on fish processing should have a good quality. It is free from pathogenic bacteria, dangerous substances, colorless, odorless, and transparent (Jenie, 1997). Based on Directorate of Food and Drinking Control (1996), the water requirements that use on food processing and directly contacting with food have to base on pure water requirement standard (Indonesian Health minister regulation No. 416/MenKes/Per/IX/1990 about water quality requirements and its controlling. In addition, criteria from WHO 1984, EEC 1980, and Gould 1994 can be used by the fish processor on their food processing. There are two sources of water supply potable water and non-potable water. Both of them can be used on food processing, but the fish processor have to meet the water quality standard from health minister regulation, WHO, EEC and other organizations (Huss,1994). 1) Potable water a) Potable water should be provided in all places of employment such as drinking, cooking, washing of the person, processing, washing of foods, washing of cooking or eating utensils, washing of food preparation or processing premises, washing equipments on food processing, and personal service room. Table 4.1. Microbiological criteria (Guidelines) for drinking water quality Organism in 100 ml 1) Guideline value Remarks Piped water supplies Treated water entering the distribution system Fecal Coliform 0 Turbidity Coliform Organism 0 Water in distribution system Fecal coliforms 0 Coliform organisms 0 In 95% of samples examined throughout the year in the case of large supplies when sufficient samples are examined Colifor Organisms 3 In an occasional sample but not in consecutive samples Source: WHO, 1984 in Huss, (1994) 1) Multiple tube technique (MPN procedure) and the membrane filtration technique have been considered as capable yielding comparable information. Table 4.2. Microbiological criteria (guidelines) for drinking water quality Maximum admissible concentration (MAC) Parameters Results: volume of the sample (ml) Guide level (GL) Membrane filter method Multiple tube method (MPN) Total Coliforms 100 0 MPN Fecal Coliforms 100 0 MPN Fecal streptococci 100 0 MPN Sulphite-reducing clostridia 20 0 MPN Total bacteria counts1) 12) 13) 102) 1003) Source: EEC, 1980 in Huss, (1994) 1) Water for human consumption 2) Incubation at 37oC 3) Incubation at 22oC b) Drinking fountain surface which become wet during fountain operation shall be constructed of materials impervious to water and not subject to oxidation. c) Ice in contact with products shall be made from potable water and maintained in a sanitary condition d) Open water such as water barrels, pails, or tanks for drinking water from which the water must be dipped or poured, whether or not they are fitted with a cover, are prohibited. 2). Non-potable water: a). Non-potable water such as water for industrial or firefighting purposes, is unsafe and not to be used for drinking, washing of the person, cooking, washing of foods, washing of cooking or eating utensils, washing of food preparation or processing premises or personal services rooms, washing food processing equipments or for washing clothes. b) Construction of non-potable water systems or systems carrying any other non-potable substance shall be such as to prevent backflow or back syphonage into a potable water system. Water quality factors Several factors affect to water quality on fish plant. Microbes on water influence to water quality. Water that contains many microbes may have lack on quality. In addition, Organic matter may react and â€Å"consume† disinfectant such as chlorine and ozone and the presence will also interfere with UV light (Huss, 1994). Furthermore, pH is important in disinfection with chlorine and greater inactivation at high pH. In general, higher temperature result in increased inactivation rates (Huss, 1994). Table 4.3. Water quality tolerances Characteristic Maximum limit in ppm PHYSICAL Turbidity (silica scale) 10 color (platinum scale) 10 20 Objectionable taste color 0 CHEMICAL Arsenic 0.05 Barium 1.0 Cadmium 0.01 Chromium 0.05 Copper 3.0 Iron and Manganese 0.3 Lead 0.05 Magnesium 125.0 Manganese 0.1 Mercury 0.002 Nitrate 10.0 Selenium 0.01 Silver 0.05 Zinc 15.0 Chloride 250.0 Fluoride 1.5 Sulfate 250.0 Phenolic compound 0.001 Total solid 500.0 Normal carbonate alkalinity 120.0 Source: Gould, 1994 Table 4.4. Water hardness quality Quality Ppm of Calcium Carbonate Soft water Less than 50 Slightly hard water 50 to 100 Hard water 100 to 200 Very hard water Greater than 200 Source: Gould, 1994 Water quality in processing and cleaning As a general rule, water used on food processing must meet drinking water standards. WHO guidelines, EEC, and Indonesian health minister regulation can be used by fisheries processor to make the water is proper for fish processing. For making the water as a potable water, water have to check and free from disinfectant and bacteria. Turbidity, color, taste and odor are also easily monitored parameters. If there are local problems with chemical constituents (fluoride, iron) or contaminants from industry or agriculture (e.g. nitrate, pesticides, mining wastes) these should be monitored by the processor (Huss, 1994). The chemicals are used as a disinfectants such as chlorine, chloramines, ozone or UV irradiation. Chlorination is the cheapest form of treatment and monitoring of chlorine is relatively easy. According to WHO (1984) the concentration of chlorine in water should be in the range 0.2-0.5 mg/l. For sanitation purposes, it may reach 200 mg/l, but in order to avoid corrosion lower concentrations are advised (50-100 mg/l). Use of non-portable water in a plant The use on non-portable water may be necessary for water conservation purposes or desirable because of cost, but non-portable water should do not use on food processing. The water e.g. be surface water, sea water or chlorinated water from can cooling. Chlorinated water may be used for washing cans after closing before heat treatment, for transporting raw materials before processing (after the water has cooled off), for initial washing of boxes, for cooling of compressor, for use the fire protection lines in non-food areas and for fuming of waste material. It is necessary that portable and non-portable water should be in separate distribution system that should be clearly identifiable (Huss, 1994). Monitoring of water safety Water qualities have to check before build the fish processing and during operation. During operation, water quality that used on fish processing unit should be check once 6 months. If the fish processors using sea water on their factories, they have to check the quality of water more often than used potable water. On monitoring inspection, they can use sensory test before check it with microbiological and physic test on laboratory. The processors have to use accredited laboratory for checking the water quality (Winarno and Surono, 2002). The technical procedures describing the analyses for the common indicator organism are given in the standard textbook. The values used by the company should refer to specific method employed and the recommendation should include how to sample (tap flow, volume, sampling vessel, labeling, etc) and how to handle and examine the sample. Samples should be processed within 24 hours or less and be kept cool, but not frozen (preferably below 50C) and in the dark. The impact of sunlight can be very dramatic causing false negative results (Knochel, 1990 in Huss, 1994). If chlorination is used for disinfection, monitoring of the free chlorine level is the simplest way of checking the water treatment and should be performed most often (e.g. on daily basis). The microbiological indicator may check less frequently. If disinfection systems leaving no residuals are being used, checking the equipment should be done regularly (Huss, 1994). Corrective action Corrective actions have to do as soon as possible if there are found a deviation to standard on processing. For example, if the quality of water in fish processing is low on quality, the processing activity have to stop temporary and recall the product processing with this water. Record Recording have to do on every monitoring action and corrective action. Fish processor used daily sanitation checking, periodic inspection monitoring, and periodic inspection plumbing (Winarno and Surono, 2002). SANITATION STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Table 4.5. Inactivation of microorganism by free chlorine Organism Water Cl2 residues, mg/l Temperature, oC pH Time, min Reduction % C*t 1) E. coli BDF2) 0.2 25 7.0 15 99.997 ND3) E. coli CDF4) 1.5 4 ? 60 99.9 2.5 E. coli + GAC5) CDF 1.5 4 ? 60 >> 60 L. pneumophila (water grown) Tap 0.25 20 7.7 58 99 15 L. pneumophila (media grown) Tap 0.25 20 7.7 4 99 1.1 Acid-fast Mycobacterium chelonei BDF 0.3 25 7.0 60 40 >> 60 Virus Hepatitis A BDF 0.5 5 10.0 49.6 99.99 12.3 Hepatitis A BDF 0.5 5 6.0 6.5 99.99 1.8 Parasites G. lambia BDF 0.2 0.3 5 6.0 99 54 87 G. lambia BDF 0.2 0.3 5 7.0 99 83 133 G. lambia BDF 0.2 0.3 5 8.0 99 119 192 Source: Huss, (1994). 1) C8t product of disinfectant concentration (c) in mg/l and contact time (t) in minutes for 99 % inactivation (mod.a. Sobsey, 1989) 2) BDF = Bufferd demand free 3) ND = no data 4) CDF = chlorine demand free 5) GAC = granular activated carbon. SANITATION STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES 4.4.2. Condition and cleanlines of equipments surface that are directly contact to product A great variety of utensils and equipments are used in the fish factories. There are an abundance of advice and regulation available concerning the requirements for equipment. All of them agree that the food equipments should be non-contaminating and easy to clean. Raw fish, for example, do not have the same standard of hygiene as a cooked or value added product. Criteria for hygienic design are particularly important for equipment that used in the following stages of processing and particularly after bacteria-eliminate by processing stages. There are seven basic principles for hygienic design agreed by Food Manufacturers Federation (FMF) and Food Machinery Association FMA (FMA/FMF 1967) as quoted by Forsythe and Hayes (1998). 1. All surfaces in contact with food must be inert to the food and must not migrate to or be absorbed by the food. 2. All surfaces in contact with food must be smooth and non-porous so that tiny particles of food, bacteria, or insect eggs are not caught in microscopic surface crevices and become difficult to dislodged, thus becoming a potential source of contamination. 3. All surfaces in contact with the food must be visible for inspection or the equipment must be readily disassembled for inspection. 4. All surfaces in contact with food must be readily accessible for manual cleaning, or if not, the readily disassembled for manual cleaning, or if clean-in-place techniques are used, it must be demonstrated that the results achieved without disassembly are the equivalent of those obtained with disassembly and manual cleaning. 5. All interior surfaces in contact with food must be so arranged that the equipment is self-employing or self-draining. 6. Equipment must so designed as to protect the contents from external contamination. 7. The exterior or non-product contact surfaces should be arranged to prevent harboring of soils, bacteria, or pets in and on the equipment itself as well as in its contact with other equipment, floors, walls, or hanging supports. The equipment in food plant is very specific for the type of food being processed. However, there are basic factors that must be considered essesntial in the design and in the installation of equipment to maintain a clean plant for the production and processing of food that is clean and safe (Gould, 1994) According to Gould (1994), some of basic the fundamentals of design should include the following: a. All surfaces in contact with food should be inert to the food under the condition of use and the food surface constituents must not migrate into the food or be adsorbed by or in the food. b. All surfaces in contact with the food must be smooth and non-porous to the food or to bacteria, yeast and/or molds and be totally free from pits or crevices. c. All product contact surfaces must be free of recesses, dead ends, open seams and gaps, crevices, protruding ledges, inside threads, insides shoulders, bolt and/or rivets. d. All equipment should be designed so that all contact surfaces can be readily and thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. e. All food equipments should be available for inspection and cleaning. f. All food equipments should be designed to protect the foods from external contamination. g. All food equipments should be designed so as to eliminate dead ends and dead space or areas to harbor soil, bacteria, molds, yeasts, and other pests. h. All food equipment should installed with three feet clear working area around the equipment. i. All food equipment should be installed with a minimum of six inches off the floor. j. All moving parts should have sealed or self-lubricating bearings. k. Hoods, if necessary, must be installed for ease in cleaning and sanitizing when appropriate. l. Wood and other impervious materials shall not be used in a food plant. m. Stainless steel should be used for the manufacture of all food plant equipment, piping, and all food contact surfaces. n. All food equipment should be acces for the service, preferably from above. o. The food plant equipment should be designed for cleaning in place (CIP) in preference to clean out of place (COP). p. All conveyor guides, splash guard, safety guards should be easily removed or easily opened to permit cleaning. q. All water and steam valves should be designed to prevent any leakage and they should have no pockets or recess areas. r. All food valves should be easily disassembled for cleaning and inspection. s. All piping must be aligned and supported to prevent sagging or any impediment to product flow and it must be self-draining. According to Shapton and Shapton (1991), the most common design faults which cause poor cleanability are: a. poor accessibility (- equipment should be placed at least 1 m from wall, ceiling or nearest equipment; b. inadequately rounded corners (minimum radius should be 1 cm, but 2 cm is regarded as optimum by the American Sanitary Standards Committee); c. sharp angles; d. dead ends (including poorly designed seal). Materials commonly used on food processing equipments are stainless steels, iron and mild steel, copper and its alloy, miscellaneous metals, plastics, rubber, glass, and wood, antimicrobial work surface (triclosan produced by Ciba Geigy) (Forsythe and Hayes, 1998). Monitoring action On fish processing unit, there are several subjects that have to monitor on cleaning of all surfaces equipments that contact directly to food such as surfaces condition which directly contact with products, cleanliness, and sanitation of equipment surfaces that contact directly to food, type and concentration of sanitation material, cleanliness of gloves and worker cloth (Winarno and Surono, 2002). This monitoring can do with visual inspection to surfaces cleanliness whether good or not, cleanliness and sanitation whether maintain by fish processor or not, gloves and worker cloth whether have a good or bad condition. Besides, using visual test, the processor can use chemical test using test strips/kits and microbiological test can do on verification action. Corrective action Several objects have to observe on corrective action such as sanitizer concentration whether variation or not, if it happens management of fish processing have to maintain/change the equipments and trained the worker. Recording Record should be observe at every monitoring and corrective action. The example of record on fish processing are periodically monitoring record, periodically record of chemical concentrations and monthly sanitation monitoring records. 4.4.3. Cross contamination protection Cross-contamination is defined as: any product that directly or indirectly becomes contaminated from contacting contaminants from another product, package, or area. The environment at a seafood plant location can contribute to contamination, as well as contamination to the products. The processing equipment, containers, and work surfaces are other contamination sources. An effective sanitation program is necessary to reduce contamination and to monitor program effectiveness. Cross contamination is easy to occur from raw materials. Many pathogenic bacteria are naturally present in aquatic environments Clostridium botulinum type E, pathogenic Vibrio sp., Aeromonas) and the general environment (C.botulinum type A and B, Listeria monocytogenes) (Huss et al. 2000). Other microorganisms are of the animal/human reservoir (Salmonella, Shigella, E.coli, enteric virus) (Huss et al. 2000). Although this pathogen is destroyed through pasteurization and thermal processing, it often enters cooked, ready-to-eat products as a post-processing contaminant. The pathogenic bacteria may live in fish, these microorganisms may be passed on the raw materials during production and processing. In general, when a fish is caught, the flesh is sterile whereas after death the fishs immune system collapses allowing easy access of microorganisms into the flesh (Huss 1995). Some microorganisms have been found on the entire outer surface (skin and gills) and in the intestines of live and newly healthy caught fish (Huss 1995). If these microorganism move to other materials on processing area, it will cause contamination on products or equipment. It can be affect to product quality. Processing equipments Processing equipments can be as a source of contamination on fish manufacture. It is therefore necessary that equipment in the processing establishment, coming in contact with food, be constructed in such a way as to ensure adequate cleaning, disinfection and proper maintenance to avoid the contamination (CAC 1997). To avoid cross contamination, processing equipments are have specific color for specific area, e.g. blue for raw materials products, white for processing area, and yellow for toilet and general plant cleaning. Personnel Personnel are one of vital component on cross contamination during fish processing. Transfer of microorganisms by personnel particularly from hands, is of vital importance (Chen et al. 2001; Bloomfield 2003). During fish handling and processing, bacteria may transfer from contaminated worker hands to raw materials or product and equipments surfaces. Low infectious doses of organisms such as Shigella and pathogenic Escherichia coli have been linked to hands as a source of contamination (Snyder 1998). Proper hand washing and disinfection has been recognized as one of the most effective measures to control the spread of pathogens, especially when considered along with the restriction of ill workers (Adler, 1999). To avoid cross contamination the employee should have received basic food sanitation training and employee do not result in food contamination. Water Water is important factor on fish processing, there are not fish processing without water. Water is a vehicle for the transmission of many agents of disease and continues to cause significant outbreaks of disease in developed and developing countries world-wide (Kirby et al., 2003). It is therefore important that potable water is used throughout the production process, for cleaning equipment, washing food, as well as ice making (Kirby et al., 2003). According to, stated that the main methods to avoid cross-contamination referring to the design and the technological installations of the factory are:  · the production line should be installed in straight line with no overlapping steps;  · ceiling, wall, equipment, machines in the factory must be always maintained;  · floor, walls, sewerage surfaces must be smooth to easy to clean;  · floor, walls, sewerage must be sanitized after each shift;  · all gates to the factories interior and to the different production rooms must kept closed tight best by doors. they should have in addition plastic curtains installed inside after the doors that protect against insects and contamination from outside;  · ventilation systems should be arranged close to the ceilings and must be protected against contamination from outside and always found in good operating condition;  · processing water and waste water drainage system should be constructed under the principles of flowing from area of high hygiene risk to low risk;  · drainage holes and ways must be constructed to not allow harmful animals to enter and must prevent a back flow of waste water during production. Monitoring Monitoring program on this section is starting from the source, through treatment, distribution and storage within the factory, to ensure that the water complies with internal or legislative standards (Kirby et al., 2003). According to Winarno and Surono (2002), there are several monitoring actions on cross contamination protection, namely: 1. Managers have to separate different activities such as between handling/processing of raw material with products. 2. Separating different products on storage 3. Cleanliness and area sanitation and handling equipments and food processing 4. Practice on Personal hygiene, cloth and hand washing 5. Practice to personal and equipments on product handling. 6. Personal flow on factory Several incorrect actions do by workers during processing: a. handing raw materials, then handle products; b. work close to or on the floor, then handle product; c. handling materials of can, then handle product; d. back from toilet did not wash hands; e. the shovel to handle waste on the floor, is also used for handle products; f. scratching face then handle the product; g. holding the unclean door handle, then handle the product. Corrective action According to Winarno and Surono (2002), quality assurance team have to do several corrective actions when there is a discrepancy monitoring that cause cross contamination. a. stop the activities till normally; b. take the preventive action; c. safety product evaluation, if it is necessary disposition to other products, re-process, and disposed to contaminated product. 4.4.4. Preserving hand washing facilities, sanitation, and toilet Washing facilities A hand washing facility should be ideally be provided in the factory entrance so that it can be used every time somebody enters. It should have hand hot (40-50oC) running water; pedal operated taps are best. Soap and single-use towels should be provided and/or hot air hand dries. No towels are needed for a wet process room. If paper towels are used, a bin must be provided; the contents of the bin must be burned at intervals, well away from the processing area. There are a number of the requirements on washing facilities:  · Have adequate washing facilities e.g. 1 washing facility for 10 workers  · Be located on appropriate place e.g. in front of entrance door on fish processing.  · Should be have flow water sources and dryer, and also bin. In addition, fish plant should have washing hand rooms, hygienic bathrooms and replacement rooms for changing clothes and boots. Table 4.6. Minimum number of lavatories in food processing Type of employment Number of employees Minimum number of lavatories Non industrial office buildings, public buildings, and similar establishments 1 15 1 16 35 2 36 60 3 61 90 4 91 125 5 Over 125 Additional fixture for each additional 45 employees Industrial factories, warehouses, loft building, and similar establishment 1 10 1 fixture for each 10 employees Over 100 1 fixture for each 15 additional employees Source: Gould (1994) Cleaning systems The most comprehensive procedure for manual cleaning and disinfection of Clean Out of Place (COP). It is suitable for modern plants. For cleaning liquid handling plants like breweries and dairies Clean In Place (CIP) system will be used, based on circulation by pumping of water, cleaning agents and disinfectants. In principle, the two systems will be similar. The most factories, a combination of COP and CIP will be used. Use of CIP may be limited to part of the plants or even to a particular machine. However, regardless of the type and size of food production the general principles behind the complex. The frequency of cleaning and disinfection will vary from several times during the working i.e. at every major break to once every day, at the end of production, or even less frequent. Table 4.7. Steps cleaning on fish plant Step Kinds of cleaning Purposes 1 Dry Clean surfaces are wiped and floors swept solid wastes (i.e. seafood scraps) are put into waste bins 2 Cold water wash (removes soluble waste softens remaining materials) Use cold water under pressure to wash walls, floors, and equipment. Hot water is not recommended as it causes food residues to set and become difficult to remove start from the corners and work towards the drain (top to bottom) to reduce the spread of contamination 3 Apply detergent Scrub (loosens and lifts soil and dirt) apply an approved foo